

This month has been  roller coaster of emotions for myself and others. From celebrations to home goings to crying , laughing and everything in between...but the major reoccurring theme is the fragility of life . As a nurse I'm trained to help people in those fragile moments but as a wife,sister,daughter,employee, friend I'm not. I am just thankful that I'm taking the time to listen. This Thursday I am going to take time to catch up with an old close friend and just enjoy the moments. I encourage you to do the same and remember to take care of yourself. A couple of weeks ago I was really stressed out about new responsibilities at work and this past weekend I spent some time with family in the Florida sunshine and it made a difference come Monday morning. Even God rested after seven days. So give yourself a break and reflect on what matters most to you in life. For me it's faith, family, and friends. Amen :)


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