
Raqui Thursdays: Dreams Come True

Tomorrow I will be on Living Sublime Wellness Radio: my first of many radio shows and  I just have to pinch myself ! Is it possible all my dreams are coming true? My goal was to publish a great book and get it into as many nurses hands as possible. The ultimate prize? selling it at my nursing school. But this journey has become so much more! I have meet great- inspiring people on and offline, received acceptance and opportunities I couldn't have imagined. But I'm not surprised. Why?  Because I moved in the faith and knowledge that Gods got my back. He birthed these ideas in me and has blessed them to succeed. I am in awe. Thank You.

For someone who went from no hope to  talking on  a wide reaching radio show I want to encourage you. What are your dreams? Now act on them. Waiting to live, waiting for perfect...what are you waiting for? The time is now this very instant! Don't wait another second on the would of, could of, should of's  of life. Those you will touch are waiting for you. From rejection to acceptance, from working at my dream job to publishing my first book: my core family and friends have been through it all and I am thankful for them for keeping me grounded and  helping not to take myself so seriously. What dreams are in store for you ? Leave them in the comments below or email me.
I would love to hear from you.

Take Care,


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