
Love Letters to A Nurses Soul: Daily Diet

Hello Everyone Kimberly here. I have missed you all but I have been working behind the scenes on some things I hope you enjoy. One of them is my "Love Letters to a Nurses Soul" Project. I hope these love letters inspire, encourage, and give you hope.

Dear Nurse,

Today is the day you change your diet! No I"m not talking about from donuts to egg whites and spinach or from pizza to salmon and brown rice, although those may be good choices depending on your health. No, I'm suggesting you change your steady diet of negativity regarding yourself, your professional and personal realm to one of positivity.

No more facebook for hours on end or nurse forums that bash our profession rather than uplift it. No more self- discussion boards that have more negative than good. because really the mind is powerful and I for one need to set some boundaries. What we constantly consume we become. No matter how hard we try to scroll to the positive post or ignore that someone else seems to be living a bigger, better, more fulfilled life we must stop. You are worthy to be happy. Everyone is.The minute you recognize this is  the minute you will  begin to live.

I've seen you struggling trying to live up to expectations that were not meant for you. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made "-Psalm 139:14 and don't need to play second fiddle to anybody. So we need to detox. It will not be easy but in the end the results of you feeling happy, fulfilled and walking in your propose will be worth it.

Daily Diet Revamp:
  1. I will pray instead of worry. Each time I get the inkling to worry I will instead pray over my situation. I realize praying and worrying are counterproductive.
  2.  I pledge to Love myself fully and wonderfully just as God created me.
  3. I speak life  into my situations. When negative thoughts arise I confront them with truth and past successful experiences and outcomes.
  4.  I will limit my time and energy on trigger areas of my life rather that  mean spending only 1 hr on social media daily or not watching TV before I go to sleep.
  5. Each day take out some time to be still and Know He is God. The God of the Heaven and Earth..there is nothing to hard for Him.



P.S. If you would like to read more about walking in your purpose, finding and achieving success, all through a spiritual and comedic lens check out my book "What They Didn't Teach You Or I In Nursing School: lessons Learned Outside The Classroom."  Thank you.

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