
Love Letters To A Nurses Soul: It's Just a JOB!

Dear Nurse,

 Today I sat here and repeated to myself it's just a job. Why? Because someone made me mad. They were very unprofessional despite my best efforts. But in truth I allowed them to make me mad as I control my destiny and reactions, and then  God remind me no matter how nice or unprofessional mean spirited or graceful the people we come in contact with in our profession we must remember it is just a job. People  come, go, get changed, and rearranged but my family my family is forever and that is more important to me then a JOB. 

The life growing inside of me is more important than telling someone off or putting them in their place. At the end of the day I  go home to a loving supportive family. Maybe they don't.I don't know but I hope they do. So today I remind you to do your job and do it well as you always have but at the end of the day remember you gave it your best and that's it. After all when we get to the pearly gates God's not going to ask how well you interacted with your coworker but He will want to know if you accepted his son in your heart.



(originally written 3/13/14)


Love Letters To A Nurses Soul: Called vs. Capable

Dear Nurse,

Last year I attended parts of the Women Living Well Conference online. In one of the videos your calling vs capabilities was discussed. Karen Ehman explained that we can be capable of many things in life but our time is better spent to doing what we are called to do. 

Regardless of your beliefs this is a universal principle. We as human beings are so fascinating; able to do amazing feats especially under pressure.Yet when we live our lives doing everything we end up doing nothing. I have struggled with this before and sometimes fall off the wagon. For instance, I love serving in church but in what capacity? I am truly a free spirit and like to step in when and where help is needed at a moments notice, not necessarily doing the same task on a regular bases.My husband is the opposite of me.You can see him week in and week out protecting the children that come to church on Sunday. Me on the other hand you might find praying for someone one Sunday right when they ask, recording the church's history through written words, holding a baby, or encouraging someone on Facebook. 

The point is neither way is better,just as my spouse and I are different so are we as nurses. Some Doctors, entrepreneurs, writers, actors, and speakers just to name a few. How we choose to live our lives are examples of the calling. What gets you going in the morning and you think about long after you should be asleep? That's what you are called to do! Focus on that and you can't go wrong. Also I must mention the need to compare. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made, no need to compare your journey to another. If we were all the same this world would be pretty damn boring. What are you called to do? What do you need to say no to although you are capable of doing it in order to fulfill your destiny? 



P.S. Today I'm doing a book event at my Alma Mater the University Of South Florida. In honor of this milestone I am offering you a special discount today only for my debut publication "What They Didn't Teach You Or I In Nursing School: Lesson Learned Outside The Classroom." Enter the code: 
D4VCP8ER when you order through my createspace online bookstore. You'll get the book for just $10.00 and enjoy a wealth of inspiring, encouraging,and practical information. Shipping and handling still apply. And remember when the clock strikes 12 this deal will no longer be valid.Thank you for your support and encouragement.